Wednesday, July 28, 2010

“Chaos” is about the only word that I can think of to describe our lives lately! From swimming lessons, to T-ball, camping at the lake, the upcoming fair season, Sydney getting gum stuck in Brienna’s hair, to all the storms we have been having, our household is at the max for excitement. It seems as though time is passing on with out us knowing where it goes. I am assuming that this is just a preview to what our lives will be like for quite some time.

The twins are growing like crazy and meeting new developmental milestones all the time. Both girls are rolling all over and love to spend time on their bellies. This is much different from our other two children who hated tummy time. I believe they like it so much because they can be in on the action of their siblings playing.

On July 16th the twins each got their first tooth with in a couple of hours of each other! They are out to prove just how identical they really are. However, just to throw us off, Brooklyn got her second tooth on Sunday and Brienna has yet to break the second one through.

At the beginning of July, the girls began eating cereal and babyfood! They are growing so quickly! They of course LOVE it now! Brienna had to be convinced but Brooklyn will eat anything you feed her. The twins’ personalities are different on any given day, but neither of them are consistent in their personality. It changes from day to day. But, I guess they are women, right?!?! I can only imagine what they will be like at 13!

We have been spending a lot of time camping in our new camper and the kids love spending the time outdoors. Don’t get me wrong, it is A LOT of work taking the four kids camping but, totally worth it!

With all of that said, this is going to be the last entry I will be making on the blog. The twins are done with doctor appointments and are down to the normal “well-child” check-ups and we are ready to go on as a normal family. If you would like to stay updated and see periodic pictures of the twins, I occasionally post them on Facebook. Just look me up and tell me you were following the blog!

We want to take this opportunity to thank you again for supporting us through our journey with monoamniotic twins! Our lives have changed dramatically over the past year but we couldn’t be happier with the girls at home, safe and healthy. We are truly blessed.

The bible verse at the top of the blog is so true. And included in the “one blessing after another” is our friends and family. Thank you again for all the support!

I would also like to send out a prayer request. A little that girl that I have watched at daycare fell into a campfire on Sunday and is at the burn center in St. Paul. She is doing well and had surgery this morning. Please send up a prayer for Autumn to make a full recovery! Here is her caring bridge site:

Thanks again for all the thoughts, prayers, and support you provided during this journey. We would not have been able to do it alone and all your acts of kindness are greatly appreciated!

Signing out,

Mike, Kelly, Sydney, Taiton, Brooklyn and Brienna
            Brienna                                         Brooklyn            

Thursday, June 24, 2010

6 months old!

It is hard to believe that half a year has passed since I was in the hospital and the twins were born!  But, it is all very exciting and rewarding to have them here and doing so well.  Last Thursday we went in for the twins 6 month appointment and the girls are doing very well!
Brooklyn weighed 16lbs and 11 ounces.  She was 24 1/4 inches long.  These stats put her in the 50-75% for weight and the 5% for height.  She is a little ahead developmentally.  Yesterday, I laid her on the floor and left the room.  When I returned she had moved about five feet by rolling I assume and was playing with a toy that was left on the floor.  She just looked up at me with this huge grin, like she had just won the lottery!
Brienna weighed 16lbs even and was 24 1/2 inches long.  These number put her in the 50% for weight and 10% for height.  Mike calls her the tall skinny one!! :)  She had an ear infection a week ago but has recovered only to get another cold a couple days later!
Otherwise all is well here on the home front.  We are keeping busy of course and loving the sun shine, when we get it!  I hope all is well with everyone and have a wonderful 4th of July!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

The Kidney...

It has been a while since I updated, I guess I have been busy!!  Well, on June 9th we took Brooklyn to the specialist to talk about her etopic pelvic kidney.  And, we found out that it is just fine!  Nothing to worry about.  It is just good that we know it is there and if any problems come up we will look into it further but, for now, it will just be there.  The twins will be going back to the doctor on Thursday for their 6 month checkup.  I will update more then and I will try to get some new pictures up then too!  Have a good evening!

Thursday, May 6, 2010 keep or not to keep

Well, I am almost as excited as I was when I heard the twins were coming home from the NICU!!  We are returning the monitors to Sanford Health in the morning!!!  This process has come in baby steps and this is another HUGE step in the right direction.  The girls are doing great so now... we will see if I get any sleep tonight!  Have a good weekend and Happy Mother's Day to all those mom's out there!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Mother's Day!

It seems as though time has been flying by.  With Mother's Day just around the corner, I reflect on how thankful and lucky we are to have the two little blessings that god has entrusted to our care.  All mom's know what it is like to look at your little one and laugh at the smallest things or just smile while you watch them sleep unable to look away for fear that the moment will pass to fast.  So, I have much to be thankful for and to enjoy on Sunday!
On Monday, a lady from the Birth to 3 program came and evaluated the twins.  The girls are not behind developmentally and are doing quite well.  Brienna didn't track the object she was supposed to but, we will keep working on that and hopefully she comes around.  However, when laid on her belly she held her head but nice and high and then tipped it to the side and she rolled over!  I was pretty excited even though I am sure it was an accident.  We have not yet heard from the apnea clinicn but I will update when we do!  Here are a couple of pics for you too check out!  Enjoy!
Looking so much alike!!!

Little Bit of smiles

Brienna - Look at me hold up my head!! 

Friday, April 30, 2010

Apnea Monitors Gone...maybe!!!

Hello!  I hope that everyone is doing well.  I am not sure how many people still take the time to check the blog but, I thought that I would update after the twins last appointment at the apnea clinic.  The girls have been doing very well and are growing like weeds!  At the appointment Brooklyn was 13# 3oz. and 23 1/4 inches long.  Brienna was 12# 12oz. and 22 1/4 inches long.  They are definitely growing and evidently Brooklyn is growing faster than Brienna!!  I am a little sad because this weekend I have to pack up the 0-3 month clothes and take out the 3-6 month clothes.  If anyone know anybody expecting twin girls let me know!  I have twin clothes to get rid of! :)  The PA downloaded the monitors and will be getting back to us with the results the middle of next week.  IF the girls have had no spells over the last couple of months we will be able to get rid of the monitors!!!  I am so excited and looking forward to the twins being wireless FINALLY! 
I hope that everyone enjoys the weekend and I will update when we hear back from the apnea clinic!
Take care.

Monday, April 19, 2010

FOUR months old!!!

It is hard to believe that the twins are now four months old.  We went in for their four month doctor appointment last Thursday and the girls are almost triple their birth weight!  Both girls are the same weight and the same length, but then I guess they are identical twins!  They were 12 pounds 5 ounces and are 22 inches long.  They are now at the 25% for the regular four months old babies for weight but have not made it on the chart for length yet.  Hopefully that will come with time.  The twins also got their four month shots and are otherwise doing very well.  And for that we are very thankful.
Brooklyn and Brienna also got a new baby cousin this weekend!  Colby Jay was born at 5:42 on Saturday, April 17.  He is doing well and so is his mom!  Congrats to Eric, Jessica, Natalie and Elliot on thier new baby brother!
But I am reminded that just as god brings these little miracles into our lives he also needs more angels to watch over us.  Julie, Kurt and Cameron now have another angel watching over them.  Caden Leslie Loe got his angel wings on Sunday night.  Please say a prayer for the Loe Family that god may surround them with his love in the days and weeks ahead and that he wraps Caden in his arms holding him safe and free from all pain.  Here is the link to their Caring Bridge site: