Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Perinatalogist Appointment #3 - 21 weeks

This whole time I have been hoping that time would pass quickly to be closer to the end of this unpredictable journey. Now, I find that time is passing very quickly and I am NOT ready to be hospitalized yet! We are currently 3 weeks away from 24 weeks which I am sure will pass just as quickly as the last three!
The twins were doing well today. Today's twin A measured at 21 weeks and 0 days weighing 14 ounces and had a heart rate of 144. Today's twin B measured at 21 weeks and 2 days weighing 15 ounces and had a heart rate of 145. They are very close in size still which is wonderful. No twin to twin transfusion yet! Hopefully, that is one syndrome we can bypass.
The doctors also confirmed today that the "baby B" has only one kidney. In this type of pregnancy birth defects are very common mainly because the pregnancy it self is a defect. The development of a Monoamniotic pregnancy is the result of the egg splitting in two later than "normal" identical twins. "Normal" identical twins split between days 3-8 and Monoamniotic twins split between days 8-12. Any egg that splits after 12 days will be conjoined twins. So, as far as birth defects go, this one is something that we can live with. Lots of people live a normal life with one kidney. Last weekend a set of monoamniotic twins was delievered at the hospital and each of them have only one kidney. They are currently doing very well.
As far as my inpatient stay goes, we are going to try to make it to 26 weeks before going inpatient. As long as the cords are not too tangled and the blood flow in the babies looks good I may be able to stay home for a couple more weeks with periodic outpatient monitoring. This is something that we will not know until the time comes. The babies can be tangled up in a short period of time so we will go from here and take it one appointment at a time. My next appointment will be October 16 which is just over two weeks away. I hope that everyone is well and thanks again for all of your support! (oh yeah, I added a couple new pics!)


  1. LOVE the new pictures! You can tell already they'll be adorable...and best friends the way it looks!

  2. Awesome that the girls are doing so well! The pics are so cute! I bet it is fun watching them during the ultrasounds. Hope everything continues to go as planned!

  3. They appear to play so well together!! Amazing photos.....praying they continue to grow and mature without getting too tied up together.
