Saturday, December 26, 2009

Home Sweet Home

Well, we made it home after all the snow and it's nice to be home again. 

Here's a brief rundown of what's new in the past couple days:
1.  Both girls are gaining weight.  Brooklyn weighed 4 lb 3 oz today and Brienna weighed 3 lb 13 oz.  So, they're still a bit below their birthweights, but at least they're gaining!
2.  Both girls got rid of their IVs.  The doctors were able to discontinue their IVs because they are now tolerating their feedings through the feeding tubes very well.  It's nice to be rid of the IVs because they don't last very long in babies and the nurses would have to find a new vein every 24-36 hours.  But, now, the only cords connected to them are their feeding tubes and the monitor wires, which is really nice!
3.  Both girls are nearly up to full feeds.  Today, they were recieving 32 and 35 cc each feeding.
4.  They are both still having some trouble with "spells" where their heartrate suddenly drops.  This tends to happen 2-6 times per day, each.  They each have good days and bad days, but in the grand scheme of things, evidently even 6 times isn't too serious, since they are usually quite mild spells and the girls both come out of them by themselves.
5.  Brienna's billiruben was back up a bit today, after they removed one of the lights.  So, she may have to have the second light again if it continues to go up.

So, all in all, they're still doing quite well.  We hope that continues!!

With all the time spent in the hospital in the past months, Taiton has made LOTS of new friends.  Here's a picture of him with one of them...

1 comment:

  1. Love the picture of Tait with his new buddy! Too funny. Have a Happy New Year!
    The Hemmen Clan
